Thursday, October 16, 2008

The sky is falling! Hypnosis for Anxiety

Every time I turn on the news lately, I'm reminded of that old fable where the main character (was it a chicken??) runs around screaming, "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" It seems that the media is absolutely committed to spreading doom, gloom and panic about the economy and we as a nation are eating it up. Everywhere I go lately -- the coffee shop, the gym, the train, out to dinner -- everyone, everywhere is talking about it.

Which is not to say that there isn't good reason to be concerned. However, there is a marked difference between healthy, realistic concern and full blown panic. The more we give into this current "panic epidemic", the more stessed out we become. Higher stress levels only contribute to a decreased quality of life, insomnia and ill health.

HYPNOSIS CAN HELP. Hypnosis can be remarakably effective in treating anxiety, insomnia and other stress-related symptoms. Hypnosis allows for deep, guided relaxation and better focus. Guided imagery and visualization can alleviate negative feelings and fears. Best of all, hypnosis can get to the real root of anxiety and rip it out!

So here's a hypno-tip: The next time you experience a negative or fearful thought, simply close your eyes. Take in a nice, deep breath. As you exhale the breath, imagine drawing a giant, red X over the negative thought -- just banish it! Kick it out on its tail!

If you remember to do this whenever a negative thought pops up, in a short period of time you will find that the nature of your thoughts will begin to change. If you don't allow the negative thought to take root -- to become part of your reality -- you pave the way for more positive thinking -- and a more positive, stress-free life.

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